Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Controversial Freedom

 Our read this month, "The State of Freedom" by Neel Mukherjee, was met with strong reactions and divided opinions of this book.  Some couldn't finish it while others loved it.  Set in India, this book contrasted the great divide between privilege and poverty and advancement and entrapment.  As per an NPR review, this book isn't going to be a saccharine, feel good story, rather a brutal novel that gets darker and darker and it is as breathtakenly beautiful as it is bleak.  All the characters want better lives but are seldom rewarded.  Do we have the freedom to move into a better state?  This story urges us to be careful what we wish for and to be prepared for disappointment.

For December, our book is "Mr Dickens and his Carol" by Samantha Silva.  The book club kit has not come in yet and we are hopeful it will arrive in time.  This title is available on Hoopla for those who are willing to enjoy an audiobook copy.  No worries, we will hold our annual Holiday get together at Claudia's home no mater what.  We will finish our Christmas Jar, wrap books for children and enjoy each other's company!