Saturday, May 6, 2017

Sharing at the Waterfront

Great teamwork at Judy's lakeside home, by neighbors Judy and Chris P serving up great panini(s) for our Book Club gathering; extra bonus celebrating Debbie G's birthday with cake and cheesecake.

Thanks to Claudia for a concise summary shared, although she couldn't be here to attend discussion of "Our Souls at Night": This is a deceivingly simple story, simply written. No flowery descriptions of everything. Simple dialogue, a conversation, easy language, no quotes.
In fact, CP pointed out there weren't even explanation points, the conversation was so matter of fact. Most rated the book a four and wished for a different ending., although glad for the time this couple had the companionable, loving relationship. We all have a notion about how marriage should be, but it is different for each. Esther reported to Barbara that a movie is coming out, starring Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, if you can imagine!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Next meeting

The next meeting will be hosted at Barb's, in hopes of good outdoor weather, Wednesday June 7 (Sandy, Debbie and Chris out of town?). That puts Debbie G for July, but possibly rather than July 5, the following Wed July 12. May 3 notes coming up!