Thursday, December 17, 2015

Robert Peace Piece

So, were you wondering what dinner would be?  Ketchup packages?  Ramen?  I'm sure you were glad it was elegant burgers in honor of the Burger Boyz.  Based on the graduation/fundraiser dinners of vichyssoise, Caesar salad, steak, salmon and chocolate cake, we enjoyed potato soup (TOO COLD out to enjoy vichyssoise!), Caesar salad, chopped steak (burgers with all the trimmings), salmon (thank you Esther and SensaSea!) with store bought cookies and Safford home-made fudge for dessert (I was planning to make brownies, but didn't get around to baking).  Thank you all for helping me get set up and finish the dinner while I tended the grill.

Chris P wrote a great summary of the book - offering wonderful insight into Robert's life and why he made the choices he made.  Krys B noted that the author chose to write this book hoping that it would make a difference to people and how they make their life's choices.  We all agreed that it was depressing to read about the lost potential, but marveled in the remarkable difference Robert made to those people in his world - ..."(he) was like a redwood tree looming large in my life.  His life was cut short before it could reach the full heights of its many others thrived and found refuge in his shade while he was with us".

It was so much fun to host our annual Christmas children's book gathering and secret Santa gift exchange.  I enjoyed decorating and all the preparation for our evening.  Thank you all for coming, even when it was so icy.  We missed you Chris (keeping warm down south) and Krys (hope you are feeling better soon!) and enjoyed your reports on our book.

Our next read is "What Alice Forgot" by Liane Moriarty.  It will be nice to have an easy read during the holidays.  Esther will be our next host and we are tentatively looking at January 6th.  Esther will contact us with the final decision on our date.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year everyone!!!!!