Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Lilac Girls

While somewhat still fresh in my mind, but thinking about the resonance of The Lilac Girls and Cudjo , there is much to consider. How can we become kinder to each other and to all life? Can one eliminate, prevent, and/or control the spirit of cruelty?   Questions about the soul arise,

As I place myself in the lives of Cujo, Caroline, Kasia , or Herta , I feel such polar and diverse  pain or ease, opportunity or prejudice.  It is just -  be damned or be lucky, from birth on.

 Our dinner at Chris's ranch was evidence of the strength, character, wisdom, kindness and patience you women possess . It heartens me to see those character traits. 

My lilacs were barely in bloom then, but enough for a bouquet.  The reference to lilacs was found by Judy Bell - page 440.

" He loved these. It's a lovely reminder of him, but terribly sad too, to see his favorite Abraham Lincoln lilacs blossom without him ... But it's fitting in a way - Father loved the fact that a lilac only blossoms after a harsh winter. "